We know how challenging it is to stay active, especially when knee pain or an injury slows you down. Our specialized knee exercises are designed to help you regain strength, flexibility, and confidence in your movement. Whether you’re recovering from knee injuries or surgery or just want to prevent future issues, physiotherapy could be a helpful tool to get you …
Stretch or not stretch? This is the question :)
Stretching is one of the most common types of exercise performed by people who are into fitness activities, athletes, and clients undergoing rehabilitation. They are prescribed to stretch as a form of treatment/prevention for multiple injuries. Based on research, we know that stretching benefits the soft tissues, but depending on the purpose of the treatment or sport/activity played, one type …
Adductor training – preventing injuries – Soccer, Hockey
Hockey season is on!!! Groin pain is a common complaint for soccer players and gollies. Excessive straining of the adductor muscles with repetitive leg swings and kneeling can cause pain and discomfort at the inner leg muscles, its attachment at the pubic bone and groin line. The Holmich Protocol was initially developed to tackle ‘Sports hernia’ injuries, which can be …
Rotator Cuff tears and impingement – latest evidence and exercise training
Continuing our series of blog posts about the shoulder (check it out Part 1 and Part 2), here is the latest evidence about conservative and surgical approach for Rotator Cuff tear and impingement. The latest evidence: Conservative versus Surgical approach A systematic review + meta-analysis (the highest level of scientific research credibility) from Longo at al. (2021) showed that rotator …
How can physiotherapy help chronic wounds?
Physiotherapy treatments available for wounds HVPC – High Voltage pulsed current – Uses pulsed electrical current to stimulate cellular growth – Research shows HVPC is helpful for pressure sores (see 7,9 below) – Treatment timeline depends: • on wound characteristics (type, size, depth) • minimum of 3 sessions– Start your rehab journey today – Book here LLLT – Low Level …
Low Level Laser Therapy
Low-level Laser Therapy is a non-thermal physical therapy modality that uses light to stimulate chromophores in the injured tissue. It is the most well-known type of laser used for rehabilitation. It helps with cell signaling, decreasing pain (releases endorphins and decreases inflammation), decreases edema, and accelerates tissue healing. LLLT is indicated also used for wound management. The application is pain-free, …
What is Clinical Pilates?
Pilates was developed in the early 20th century by Joseph Pilates. While Joseph was working with the soldiers of WWI at the hospitals in England, he started to teach his own technique of exercise with minimal equipment. This form of exercise would later become known as Pilates. Joseph Pilates took his knowledge and experience with him when he emigrated to …
What is IMS? Is This Treatment For Me?
What is Gunn IMS Treatment? If you’ve heard about Gunn IMS and are wondering what it is, here’s some information to determine if it’s a potential treatment for you. Gunn IMS is a type of IMS needling technique (intramuscular stimulation) in which its theory and practical application were developed by Dr. Chan Gunn who worked as a physician for the …
Prevention of Running Injuries
Spring has come, and so has the running season! Do you do any preparation before going out for a run? How do you usually warm-up? What about stretching? How important is that for the prevention of injuries? To help you on your fitness journey, here are some thoughts about running warm-ups, stretching, shoe selection and strategies to prevent injury. Stretching …
Core Exercises
Strengthening Your Core Core muscles are essential for the stability of the lumbar spine. “Core stability” describes the ability to control the position and movement of the central portion of the body. Core stability training targets the muscles deep within the abdomen that connect to the spine, pelvis and shoulders, which assist in the maintenance of good posture and provide …