sciatic nerve injury

How To Treating Your Sciatica?

Zili Back Pain, Injuries

A variety of factors could cause symptoms associated with sciatica, which is an umbrella term that includes pain in the back/buttock (which may radiate down the leg), numbness in the affected area, tingling sensations and muscle weakness. Finding out the specific cause of sciatica is especially important for the proper treatment, as each cause has a different approach. Three of …


Understanding Dizziness: The Vestibular System

Zili Dizziness, Vestibular System

Many of us have experienced dizziness sometime in our lives. Studies have shown that about 7% of the general population live with frequent dizziness. There are several mechanisms that may cause dizziness: cardiovascular problems; peripheral vestibular problems; and central nervous system problems. This article discusses in more depth the vestibular system. This system provides feedback to the body about one’s …


Recovering from your ACL Surgery

Zili Healing, Sports Injury

Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries are amongst the most common type of injuries affecting today’s athletes. According to the Canadian Academy of Sport and Exercise Medicine, about 250,000 ACL injuries occur in the USA and Canada each year. ACL injuries are usually caused by either an impact or a sudden shift in knee position; according to the American Academy of …


Management of Headaches

Zili Acupuncture, Physiotherapy, Tips

In the previous blog entry, we have explored the various types of headaches one can experience. Pharmacological interventions are often prescribed by doctors for severe headaches, ranging from simple analgesics or NSAIDS for mild to moderate migraines to triptans or ergots for moderate to severe headaches. However, many pharmacological interventions have adverse side-effects and some carry the risk of drug-drug …


Understanding Headaches

Zili Acupuncture, Physiotherapy

Headaches are an almost universal experience, but not well understood. There are many types of headaches and different causes to them. Let’s explore some of the more common types of headaches to understand why sometimes we have them and in the next blog, how they are managed.   Primary Headaches Primary headaches, as classified by the International Headache Society, are …

Understanding Acupuncture

Zili Acupuncture

What is acupuncture? You may have heard of it from a friend, or even received acupuncture from a practitioner yourself. It is a versatile tool used by not only Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) professionals but also physiotherapists and doctors to treat a variety of symptoms and conditions. It is a powerful modality and extremely versatile in its applications, yet surprisingly …


Kinesio Tape – Is it for you?

Zili Kinesio Taping

You may have seen a friend coming out of a physiotherapy clinic sporting colourful bands of tape on their arms or legs, and have wondered just what that tape (commonly called Kinesis Tape) does. While they can certainly be aesthetically pleasing to look at (in a futuristic, bionic-man kind of way), the Kinesio Tape – or K-Tape for short – …

RMT Physiotherapist benefits

Shoulder Pain Treatment: Shoulder Impingement P2

Kim Physiotherapy

Physiotherapists are very well equipped with knowledge and experience to provide conservative shoulder pain treatment from shoulder impingement syndrome and treating the injured structures and more importantly, addressing the underlying cause of your shoulder pain. Shoulder impingement syndrome or rotator cuff impingement is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain and understanding shoulder anatomy and how this pathology …

If you are suffering the shoulder injury please make appointment with our therapist

Shoulder Impingement Syndrome

Kim Physiotherapy, Sports Injury

Shoulder Pain Shoulder pain is very common, and shoulder impingement syndrome is one of the usual suspects, so common in fact that 20% of the population will have symptoms sometime in their lifetime. This condition is also known as Rotator Cuff Impingement. Shoulder pain can be over the deltoid muscle region of the shoulder and can refer down the side …

Registered massage therapy RMT downtown vancouver

What to expect from an RMT?

Van Sports Physio Healing, Registered Massage Therapy

Receiving a massage ranks up there for many people as one of the greatest joys in life. For others, it is a painful yet necessary treatment to fix a problem in the body. If you haven’t been for a massage with a registered massage therapist (Vancouver RMT) before, you might be wondering which category you fit into — someone who …